Just a little update on what has been going on with my move and new living situation in New York City.


Found.  I now live in Washington Heights.  It's pretty interesting being in a place where the first lanaguage is probably Spanish and mostly the younger generation knows English.  The supermarkets have different focus -- much more yucca, lime, and corn.  Also, there is quite a lot of malt available, which I've only put into rice and beans so far.

Also awesome is that we live within 20 minutes of the Little Red Lighthouse.  Which was a character from a children's book when I was little and I had always wondered about.  I heard that it still existed, but I didn't believe it until about 3 weeks ago.


So far, I've met up with two different groups of people in the city, and I'm looking forward to more.  I've been to the Drinking Skeptically event put on by NYC skeptics, and the Kaffeestunde put on by Columbia's Deutsches Haus.


Finally am doing paperwork for Columbia's Department of Mecanical Engineering, where I'm doing quantum optics research!  Not sure how long I want to stay, but after starting work almost two and a half months ago, it's about time they got around to paying me.