Tried out literate programming a bit today using some info from Sacha Chua's blog (mostly). It's actually pretty difficult to figure out how to make it work and what was strangest for me was that I can't figure out how to put a whole bunch of code blocks into the same file. It seems like you need to specify a :tangle filename for every block!

#+begin_src clojure :tangle "chapter1.clj"

What I was really hoping for was defining a new file at each section. John Zahng invited me to work on SICP in Clojure with him and I thought it was a particularly good case for trying out org-mode's literate programming functionality. After an hour or two of trying, though, I don't know how to make it do what I want. I can get it to dump all of the code into a file with the same name as my .org file, but that's it. I'm not really sure how I'd want to use this to write a large project of any kind.