Plague Times
Just moved the blog from coleslaw to zora. Here are a couple scripts I used to convert things along the way!
Converting the tags from comma-separated to toml
#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script (require 'uiop) (defun string-split (separator string) (unless (zerop (length string)) (loop for start = 0 then end for end = (position separator string :start (1+ start) :test #'char=) collecting (subseq string (if (zerop start) 0 (1+ start)) end) while end))) (defun tags-line-p (line) (and (>= (length line) 5) (string= "tags:" line :end2 5))) (defun mangle-tags-line (line stream) (flet ((trim-space (string) (string-trim '(#\Space) string))) (let* ((rest-of-line (trim-space (subseq line (length "tags:")))) (tags (mapcar #'trim-space (string-split #\, rest-of-line)))) (format stream "tags = [~%~{ ~S,~%~}]~%" tags)))) (defun mangle-file (filename &key (dry-run-p t)) (uiop:with-temporary-file (:stream out-stream :pathname temp-file :keep dry-run-p) (format t "~&Processing ~a into ~a.~%" filename temp-file) (with-open-file (in-stream filename) (loop for line = (read-line in-stream nil nil) while line if (tags-line-p line) do (mangle-tags-line line out-stream) else do (write-line line out-stream))) :close-stream (unless dry-run-p (format t "~&Finished magling. Copying ~a to ~a.~%" temp-file filename) (uiop:copy-file temp-file filename) #+nil(uiop:rename-file-overwriting-target temp-file filename)))) (if (>= (length *posix-argv*) 2) (mangle-file (merge-pathnames (second *posix-argv*)) :dry-run-p nil) (progn (format t "~&No file specified~%") (uiop:quit 1)))
Converting from ---
to +++
gawk -i inplace '{if ($0 == "---") { print "+++" } else { print $0 }}' *.md
Adding the taxonomies tag before tags:
gawk -i inplace '{if ($1 == "tags" && a != "[taxonomies]") { print "[taxonomies]"; print $0} else { print $0 }} { a =$0 }' *.md